This dining project provides an addition to accommodate expanded dining space and conversion of existing straight-line serving to dispersed concept stations. The design solution provides a new entrance addition with elevator and stair access to lower level spaces, and an office suite for dining services personnel and a lower level student lounge. The dining addition extends from a previous addition and provides a variety of seating configurations. The existing kitchen was remodeled to accommodate support for the new concept stations, and the campus bakery space was reconfigured to contain relocated functions from the main kitchen. The design for the entrance and dining additions incorporates large amounts of glass to reinforce the connection to campus and incorporates detailing from the original building as well as the previous addition designed by image group. The project construction schedule constraints for the complete interior remodeling was limited to summer construction to enable the dining center to return to service in the fall when students returned. The project demonstrates our experience designing spaces with built-in flexibility for daily use as well as our ability to coordinate projects with significant specialized equipment requirements.