Location - Sioux City, Iowa

Completion Date - 2013

Size - 66,000 SF

TEC-Corp came to us in 2012 to create a new space for their company in the vacant 1937 Standard Oil Building in Sioux City. We embraced the industrial aesthetic desired by the client by exposing the building systems and structure. The 1937 exterior details included curved brick and glass block corners and large windows. A concrete block addition built in the 1970’s concealed many of the windows which was not consistent with the original building. To create a distinct but compatible façade on the addition, we devised a weathering steel rain screen in a linear pattern that aligns with the original brick. The lower portion, comprised of gabion-like wire mesh cages holding river rock and trimmed in weathering steel, became a design element used throughout the perimeter of the building under existing loading docks and washed by hidden LED lighting at night. The addition façade has weathered into a bright orange that complements the warm brick 1937 building. Inside, the same wire mesh panels are galvanized and installed vertically in the stair tower, eliminating the need for guardrails. The owner’s desire to use local contractors and suppliers led to close collaboration and material optimization throughout the project.

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