Location - Columbia, MO

Completion Date - 2023

Size - 24,600 SF

This project is to provide a remodel of 24,600 sq.ft. of existing space on the 3rd floor of the hospital. it will construct 24-28 private inpatient rooms and all associated support spaces into a new cohesive nursing ward to replace the one existing on the 4th floor of the building. Nurse Work Areas are distributed throughout the ward with a main space at the crossing of the T-wing and the core and smaller ones supporting the Isolation rooms and the flexible Isolation Wards. Due to the distributed nurse stations, all Medical Supply, Medication and Linen spaces are also distributed into three grouped areas adjacent to these Nurse Work Areas, reducing the daily footfalls of the nurses. All patient rooms were developed as private with individual showers withing them. The individual patient room layouts developed from guidelines for patient privacy, bariatric care and infectious disease care. In many cases, each room can accommodate a variety of these specialty care cases, providing the care team a built-in flexibility to adapt to evolving patient care needs.

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