Nestled south of the Bear Lodge Mountains and west of the Black Hills National Forest is Sundance, Wyoming. Named for the sun dance ceremony performed by many Native American tribes and made famous by Harry Longabaugh when he adopted the moniker ‘Sundance Kid’ after his arrest there, Sundance is the county seat of Crook County and also home to the Crook County War Memorial.
The original monument was installed in the 1940s and contains the local Honor Roll of WWII, calling special attention to those who made the supreme sacrifice. The Veteran’s names are etched in granite and framed within a stunning stone structure.
Three granite slabs were recently added to honor the Veterans who served in other wars and conflicts including WWI, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Lebanon-Grenada, the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan. Flying above them are the flags bearing the seals of the military branches and one commemorating prisoners of war and those missing in action.