
This memorial was dedicated to two local Hudson, SD boys, Harry Bergstrom and Olaf Bodeen, who were killed in action in WWI. This memorial became a concept in 2003, and it was dedicated to the boys in 2007. The memorial honors all Veterans from the Hudson area and displays more than 400 names. The granite memorials have military seals, the Veteran’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance engraved in the monuments. The American Flag, South Dakota Flag and the POW/MIA Flag fly over the monuments.

This American Legion Post has been heavily involved in Veteran memorials and celebrations throughout the decades. In the 1920s, a turkey shoot was held and though the logistics- have changed, it continues to be an annual event to this day. In the 1930s they began holding Armistice Day dances and the following decade they created a “Book of Gold” which honors Hudson WWII Veterans. This Post continues most of its’ traditional events and continue to hold events to assist and honor Veterans and their families.