
Walking toward this Veteran’s Memorial, visitors can pass through openings between granite-walls comprised of 4,000 square feet of rock. The black, granite walls feature engraved quotes about America’s wars.

Located in Las Vegas, this two-acre memorial park is beautifully landscaped with desert-colored paths, tall palm trees and native bushes and trees. Dedicated in 2010, it features 18 larger-than-life statues that stand more than seven feet high.

Ten of those statues were made from aluminum magnesium alloy and weigh about 400 pounds each. They represent soldiers of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and Gulf War. Artist Douwe Blumberg sculpted the silver-like statues, masterfully creating the fine details on their expressions, facial features and body stance. Along with ashen color, the statues look hauntingly lifelike.

One of two bronze memorials is a modern-day Global War on Terror featuring a dramatic scene of soldiers rescuing an injured Veteran. The second bronze memorial is of an American family that symbolizes while soldiers go to combat, family members are left behind and also pay the price of war. The emotions on the faces and their poses show the strength within each person, beautifully created by artist and Veteran Richard Rist. Each of the bronze replica bodies weigh approximately 800 pounds.