
This Palm Springs Air Museum, dedicated in 1996, educates the public on how these aircraft were used in past wars. The public is educated through stories of wall exhibits, artwork, library, canteen and theater. This 85,000 square foot museum displays and preserves many original planes, and it is one of the largest collections of flyable aircraft from three past wars. Pilots continue to fly these aircraft from WWII, Korea and Vietnam.

Just outside the museum are four lifelike bronze military statues of Veterans representing the WWII European Theater of Operations. Adjacent to the museum is the Distinguished Flying Cross Walk of Honor which was dedicated on Veterans Day, 2004. 32 distinguished Veterans are honored here for their heroism and extraordinary achievements they made while in flight. Engraved bricks with Veterans names make up the “Walk of Honor” walkway that leads up to the Palm Springs Air Museum.

Several large pieces of equipment and vehicles are located on the grounds. There is an anti-aircraft searchlight from WWII and a German 88mm Flak Gun. There is also a F/A-18C jet from VFMA-23 Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323 from the aircraft carrier-based aviation squadron of the United States Marine Corps.

More than one hundred thousand people visit the museum, that consists of four hangars containing more than 59 vintage and static aircraft.